Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

the differences between Saint Frame Launcher +5 [rare B] & Judecker + 5

the differences between Saint Frame Launcher +5 [rare B] & Judecker + 5 is :
Saint frame launcher is more damage from judecker , the attack differences is about 1000
but the attack range of Saint frame launcher is more shorter than a Judecker because Judecker can use the Blue Siege ( the farrest range that siege have )

4 komentar:

  1. lah mending pake SFL+5 di banding sama JUDE+5 atuh mas ? -.-a

  2. gq juga , judeker bsa pke siege biru , siege biru rangenya paling gde , cocok buat lwn archer +efek spesial judeker ilangin smua buff cocok buat lwn bells

  3. iya sih , jadinya rangenya sama jauh sama kyk archer ama mage nya bells/cora , kadang kan kalo pake SFL bisa d hajar / d buff dr jauh am cebol" wkwkwkw ..

    kalo sama MAU range ny gedean mana ?

  4. iya makanya , kalo pke SFL rangenya terlalu deket , ud keburu d buff dluan ama cobelsnya , klo pke judeker bsa tgl lock trus skill aja :))
